Solitaire distinguishes itself by being thoughtful in all that concerns us – in our curriculum, in our programs and in our traditions to be the best international school in Hyderabad.
Bravely and Rightly we seek to discover meaning in our past, while building new traditions that will keep the flame of this splendid school shining bright and clear for those who may take our places.
SGS provides holistic education to students encompassing different spheres of learning that helps them nurture the leader within. The greatest strengths of the school spring from the quality of human relationships throughout the community and the sense of companionship that these engender.
Academic Rigour and Intellectual Curiosity
SGS students develop advanced scholarly habits and intellectual curiosity. They learn to think deeply and flexibly, whether they are researching and writing a term paper or creating a multimedia project. Students become self-directed learners with a strong desire to explore new ideas. They gain the means to investigate any facet of the world they encounter.
Collaborative Teaching and Learning
Solitaire’s faculty regularly collaborates to design and implement lesson plans and teaching strategies for courses. Through our cluster system, dedicated faculty members teach only the subject they excel at, and they meet to develop a similar syllabus, discuss successful assignments and propose new approaches making it the best school in Hyderabad.
This method results in classroom-tested, innovative teaching, which challenges students to expand their intellects and understand the value of shared ideas.
We strive to create a warm environment in which friendships flourish across grade levels. Faculty and students develop close relationships both inside and outside the classroom, which helps to form an intellectually vibrant and supportive learning community. In addition, many events and school traditions unite every student, teacher, parent, administrator and alumna, so that each individual feels part of the Solitaire family.
Global Outlook
Beginning in kindergarten, every student learns to understand other cultures and speak a world language. By the time they graduate, they may have visited many schools across the country through our collaborative programs and be well versed with the diverse cultures across the country. All Solitaire students understand that they live in an internationally connected world and embrace the opportunity to be thoughtful and responsible global citizens.
Tradition and Innovation
Solitaire students draw strength from the school’s significant history while preparing themselves for the future. Every Solitarian participates in school traditions and various clubs — such as Solitaire Gavel Club, our language, debate and drama clubs— while exploring new ideas in the classroom, using advanced technology and participating in many innovative programs.